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Dating after a loss can be tricky. It requires empathy and understanding, along with unconditional support. It can be very ungrateful to meet people after such a shocking event. Although such situations are not simple and can leave a permanent mark, there is no need for life to stop.
We know that moving on is the hardest step after losing a person, but it is even harder to stay alone. Widows often think that they are not ready for dating yet and need more time to get over the problematic situation.
But the longer you wait, the harder it will be to accept and decide to make the step. Luckily, there are dating websites for widows where you can meet like-minded singles that can be great and compassionate partners.
Here are some tips on dealing with a situation and a list of some of the best dating sites for widows where you can maybe find a second soulmate.

How to move on and decide to date again
Love after loss is sometimes challenging. You need to start a completely new chapter in life. All the things that you’re used to are gone, and you need to accept that your life goes on without them.
Since you have lived with one person for many years, it is complicated to overcome such a loss. Unfortunately, there is no specific period that is enough to go through this; it all depends on the individual. Specifically, grief lasts as long as you need to get over it.
If you’re reading this article, you indeed got past the first and most challenging step, taking time to grieve and accept. When you go through all of that, you are faced with the fact that you are ready to move on. Then you need to figure out what you want and what your needs are now.
This is most easily achieved by releasing the guilt. No matter how much you feel like you are betraying your loved one by continuing with your life, this is not the case. After all, your beloved partner would not like to see you alone and depressed.
So, the fact is that your life goes on and that you have every right to find happiness again. When you face all these obstacles, only then will you be ready to move on with your life and to date again.
Tips for widows dating online
Online dating for widows is pretty straightforward. But here are some tips on how to be successful in online dating as a widow.
Be honest and clear about your intentions!
The most important thing in the world of dating is honesty and being clear about what your needs and intentions are. You don’t necessarily need to visit a dating site for widows just to find a new partner. You’re allowed to make friendships with people that are going through the same thing as you.
If in that process you come across an interesting person and recognize any kind of potential, great.
Explore widows dating sites!
There are so many dating sites for widows that you may get confused. But with so many options, you can choose where you want to meet singles and find a partner. Check out as many dating sites that you can before you decide to make a profile.
Don’t limit your choices on one dating site because there is a whole online world full of people looking for the same thing as you.

Be active in conversations!
You don’t have to rush and stick to the first person that shows up. It is best to take slow steps. First of all, be active in conversations and discussions on dating platforms. That way you will surely come across an interesting person who will keep your attention.
Don’t feel guilty about dating again!
When you find the right person, forget about guilt. Your life must go on. You have every right to feel the attention again and smile at someone. So, the most important thing is to understand that no one will judge your need to feel loved again.
Top dating sites for widows only!
1. Widows or Widowers

Widows or Widowers is a famous single-widows dating site with perhaps the longest experience connecting people who want to find partners. This specific platform is where you can chat with people near you and maybe find love again. Widows or Widowers is a simple dating platform with fantastic customer support and a perfect chat room.
2. Just Widower Dating

Ever asked yourself the question, “are there any local singles near me?” Just Widower Dating is one of the best local dating sites and the answer to your question. You can search for people by state and area. The best thing about this dating platform is that if you become a full member, you can send and receive private messages.
3. eHarmony

eHarmony is a dating site for people that are into long-term relationships and are serious about what they want. With unique compatibility and personality testing tools, this dating platform has the greatest success in connecting people of similar interests. They are also very strict when it comes to fake profiles, so it is rare to come across a bot.
4. Elite Singles

Elite Singles is for people that are interested in finding well-situated partners. This dating platform is available on almost all devices, starting with Android smartphones and iOS devices. Elite Singles strives to provide customers with the best possible match with the help of the special algorithm and questions you answer when you’re becoming a member.
All in all, dating sites for widows are an excellent place for people who have decided to go on with their lives and give themselves a new chance. It is much easier for people who have experienced such a loss to start from online dating sites to get back into dating and regain self-confidence. Everyone deserves happiness in life, so why not give yourself another chance?
1. Should I be talking about my deceased partner?
If your date asks you about it, be free to talk if you feel like it. But if you’re not comfortable with the subject or see that the other person would like to switch a topic, you should better avoid talking about your ex.
2. Is local dating better than online dating for widows?
No. It’s better to start with online dating platforms because you may come across a person that knows you or your deceased partner. That may be a very unpleasant and uncomfortable meeting that will quench your desire to look for a partner again.
3. Should I take off my wedding ring before the date?
If you are willing to move on with your life, you shouldn’t wear a ring that will remind you of the person you lost. Also, your date might think that the ring is a smooth method for showing him that you don’t want anything but friendship.